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You can read more info about sim and how to contribute on the project's website:

sim is a simple, interactive, multi-file text editor designed for screens with
monospaced font. It is heavily inspired on the 'vim' and 'sam' text editors,
hence the name sim.

In order to compile this version of sim, you will need:
	- a C89 compliant C library and compiler.
	- a POSIX.1-2001 compliant system (for the termios.h functions).
	- a system that supports the ioctl TIOCGWINSZ request, for querying the
	terminal's window size.

I tried to make sim more portable by depending only on the VT100 escape
sequences for terminal size handling. But honestly it was just a pain in the
ass. If I can make it work without any issues, I'll make sure to upstream it.

In order to *use* sim, you'll need a terminal capable of handling the VT100
escape sequences.

sim has been successfully compiled and run on Linux using both musl and glibc.

sim is expected to work without any changes on other Unix-based OSes and C
libraries . If it doesn't, please let me know and I'll make it work.

cc *.c

Just copy sim to somewhere on your PATH.

sim is designed to be extremely flexible. Every keystroke is customizable.
The core system relies on a simple table where you can map a key to a
function and (optionally) give it an argument, which allows for a very
creative usage of keys.

Adding new features to sim is a breeze. Honestly, sometimes not even I
believe how easy it is. Just create a function that does what you want, map
it to a sane key on your config file, and compile it. *It just works*.

config.def.h is the default key config file. You're supposed to copy it to
config.h and edit it there, so that you do not lose your changes when a new
patch comes out.

sim also makes patches made by other people available at the project's site.
You might find them interesting!

Patches can be downloaded from http://sim.ssnf.xyz/patches

In order to apply a patch, just use the patch command.

Although all commands are customizable, sim comes by default with vim-based
keymaps (without, of course losing sim's charmful differences):

	- c: change(), selects text and enters insert mode (supports counter)
		- x:  current character
		- c:  until end of line
		- G:  until Bottom
		- g:  from Top
		- w:  word
		- tX: until letter X
	- C: alias to cc
	- r: alias to cx
	- d: delete() (supports counter)
		- x:  current character
		- d:  current line
		- G:  until Bottom
		- g:  from Top
		- w:  word
		- tX: until letter X
	- D: alias to dd
	- x: alias to dx
	- .: dot(), repeats last command
	- Alt + Num || Esc + Num: switch between Files
	- E: file_open()
	- q: file_close()
	- S: file_save()
	- i: insert()
	- I: insert at the start of a line
	- A: insert at the end of a line
	- a: insert after current character
	- o: insert below current line
	- h: move left
	- j: move down
	- k: move up
	- l: move right
	- Ctrl + d: move Half a page down
	- Ctrl + u: move Half a page up
	- $: move to the end of a line
	- G: move to the bottom
	- g: move to the top
	- w: move to the beginning of the next word
	- e: move to the end of the next word
	- b: move to the beginning of the previous word
	- p: paste at current cursor position
	- Q: quit sim
	- /: enter search mode
	- ?: enter reverse search mode
	- n: search for next occurence
	- N: search for previous occurence
	- u: undo
	- Ctrl + r: redo
	- y: yank(), selects text
		- y: current line
		- G: until Bottom
		- g: from Top
		- w: word
		- tX: until letter X