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Version 0.3.1 released

This version provides a couple of important hotfixes for the 0.3 release

  • Improved behavior of fr_calc() when the dot address has different positions (e.g. during insert())
  • Improved behavior of fr_calc() when the file buffer is modified
  • Fixed an issue where a long input() string would show garbage data

I think fr_update() is finally working as intended now... I guess...

Version 0.3 released

New features

  • Introduction of pline() for line referencing
  • Introduction of gmove() for 'global counter'-based movement and for line setting
  • Added a README to the project
  • Improved the behavior of fr_update()

Bug fixes

  • Searching backwards could jump to an incomplete search string
  • move(Word) at the end of a file could go beyond the end of the file buffer

Version 0.2 released

This version adds stability and new features to sim:

  • Simplified do/undo functionality
  • Improved the change() command
  • Introduced dot(), yank() and paste() commands
  • Deleted text can now be pasted
  • Now appends a newline character on the file
  • Now zeroes the file buffer when closing a file
  • Bugfix: searched for words beyond current file buffer
  • Bugfix: crashed if file had no name while saving
  • Bugfix: crashed if opened file did not exist

Additionally, two new patches have been released alongside version 0.2: removewhitespace and pipe. Both can be downloaded from /patches/